Bill Pepitone, Candidate for NYC Mayor

Michael Marshall and Frank Johnson welcome Former NYPD Officer Bill Pepitone into the Soup Bowl for a candid interview about his candidacy for Mayor of New York City.  Mr. Pepitone, a 20 year veteran of the NYPD, and lifelong resident of NYC have seen his beloved city through the best and worst of times and now seeks to lead it back to the former glory that made everyone say “I Love New York”.  Bill took some time from the campaign trail for a light-hearted, but the serious conversation about the issues facing NYC, the corruption that has infected the halls of government, and what he plans to do to bring New York back from the brink.

We discuss education, finance, corruption, law and order, and what it’s going to take to get the good people of NYC back into the fight for the soul of their hometown.

A special thanks to the jazziest cat on the Strings,  Will “The Beemer-Man” Mcglenn for our funkalicious intro jam.

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