How will you vote?

How Will You Vote?

It is that time again. We are entering an election year. The Candidates are giving their speeches. But, have you thought about how you will vote? All too often people are caught up in voting for the right party. Is this really how we should be voting?

Adam Kraut

Adam Kraut Interview

Adam Kraut is currently trying to put his bid in for this coming year’s election for the NRA’s Board of Directors. Adam is a lawyer who specializes in firearm laws and is a very active member in the gun community.


Shopping on the 2A battlefield

Before my transformation into a gun-rights activist, I used the internet for normal people’s things. I searched for worthless info, I enjoyed a good video now and then, and occasionally posted on social media platforms. I never really thought about what my actions meant, and I thought very little about protecting my 2nd Amendment rights.

The Right of Self-Protection Does Not Discriminate

The Liberty First Foundation and Religion of Arms fully believe that the Second Amendment is a protection of a natural right that everyone has. This right of self-protection does not see race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, wealth, status or anything else.  It doesn’t care if you are a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green Party, Conservative or Liberal.  We all have this natural right and we all deserve to have this right protected from any that wish to deprive us of this right.

Early Self-defense

The Right of Self-Protection

As humans, we are not equipped with razor-sharp talons or long teeth so we are not effective predators and in our early history, we were often the prey of creatures that were better equipped for the task of killing their food.