This Independence Day week has me thinking and wondering more about the early history of this nation. When I start to wonder about something, I start to seek answers. What surprised me more than anything was the parallels that are occurring today and the events that led to the Revolutionary War. The British Crown was pushing gun confiscation laws and limiting black powder. Today we have “Red Flag: laws that enact gun confiscation and new laws that limit the number of rounds a magazine can hold. The more I researched the more the events, of that time, seem torn from the headlines of today. The really ironic part of this was these events were happening in Massachusetts and the Massachusetts Governor is leading the charge with enacting stricter gun control measures.
The Boston Gazette on December 5, 1774, printed the following, “what most irritated the People was seizing their Arms and Ammunition.” About the actions of General Gage, the British commander. On October 26, 1774, the Massachusetts Provincial Congress adopted a resolution condemning military rule and criticizing Gage for “unlawfully seizing and retaining large quantities of ammunition in the arsenal at Boston.” They further declared,
That, as the security of the lives, liberties, and properties of the inhabitants of this province depends, under Providence, on their knowledge and skill in the art military, and in their being properly and effectually armed and equipped, it is therefore recommended, [if any of the inhabitants have not provided themselves with arms and ammunition according to law,] that they immediately provide themselves therewith, and [that] they use their utmost diligence to perfect themselves in military skill . . .
The above-referenced statements show that the individuals were to own arms and did not need to belong to a militia but they were advised to learn military skills and to practice. Gun-control advocates would have you believe that weapons protected under the Second Amendment are ones meant for militia use. I believe that this assessment of the Second Amendment is incorrect based on the above evidence.
This can be further proven by this statement from A Watchman, N.H. Gazette & Hist. Chron., Jan. 13, 1775, at 1, reprinted in 1 American Archive, 4th ser. 1064–65 (Peter Force ed., Washington, D.C. 1846).
Could they [the Ministry] not have given up their Plan for enslaving America without seizing . . . all the Arms and Ammunition? and without soliciting and finally obtaining an Order to prohibit the Importation of warlike Stores in the Colonies? . . . And shall we like the Carthaginians, peaceably surrender our Arms to our Enemies, in Hopes of obtaining in Return the Liberties we have so long been contending for?….
I . . . hope that no person will, at this important Crisis, be unprepared to act in his own defense, should he, by necessity, be driven thereto. And I must here beg to leave to recommend consideration to the people on this Continent, whether, when we are by an arbitrary decree prohibited the having Arms and Ammunition by importation, we have not by the law of self-preservation, a right to seize upon all those within our power, in order to defend the liberties which God and Nature have given us.
These were the events that led to the Revolutionary War and to our Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776. Today We the People need to reclaim our Independence from the elected representatives that think they were elected to be our rulers instead of being elected to be our voice. The same elected representatives took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. The British Crown attempted to deny us our rights and the Patriots took a stand to ensure our rights would be protected. Today Patriots are taking a stand again and our voices will be heard and we will not allow our rights to be infringed. Patriots did not allow it in 1776 and Patriots will not allow it in 2018. Today July 4th, 2018 We the People reclaim our Independence.
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