Shopping on the 2A battlefield

Before my transformation into a gun-rights activist, I used the internet for normal people’s things. I searched for worthless info, I enjoyed a good video now and then, and occasionally posted on social media platforms. I never really thought about what my actions meant, and I thought very little about protecting my 2nd Amendment rights.

Supreme Court

Carry on

Today I was reflecting on the U.S. Appeals court conceding that the 2nd Amendment allows for the open carrying of a gun, it felt like a victory, kind of sort of like one. Well honestly more like a re-affirmation of obviousness than a victory, but still it wasn’t a defeat. Or was it?

Social Media Wars

Extreme is the new normal

I have dug myself into some Facebook trenches on a number of occasions and exchanged fire with the enemy. And it went awesome! I didn’t even call someone a nazi. But seriously, did I change anything?

We the People

The best time to be a patriot.

Everybody wants to be a patriot until it’s time to do patriot things. I first heard this quote on the internet some years ago, and though I’m not recollecting it word for word, it’s close enough.

Maxine Waters


I was thinking that yeah I am writing articles and I am promoting the right of people to keep and bear arms but what is my commitment really?